Well, I did have a morning first break blog but something happened to it and it went bye bye. Oh well. Here is just a quick recap of the 24 hour gaming marathon. Then I'll be doing the Movie Review blog post.
I played pretty much all my Kinect games I have with my daughter and nephews in the morning, before my sister took them to her baby shower. We played Kinect Adventures, Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hole in the Wall and they played the Once upon a Monster demo. They had a blast and I had a blast playing with them.
We finished that then I popped in either RAGE or Halo: Reach. Can't really remember, most of the day is a blur now lol. Speaking of Blur, I didn't end up playing that game...lol. Oh well, there is always next year.
All the games I ended up playing are, RAGE, Halo: Reach, Kinect Adventures, Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hole in the Wall, Once upon a Monster, (I didn't actually play that, the kids did,) Skate 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Dead Island, Gun Stringer, and Fable 3. Not to mention the couple games I played on my iPhone 3Gs.
I ended up taking a nap around 2am. Can't really call it a nap cause I downed an XL 3x3 from Timmy's before that so I pretty much only laid there with my eye's close for it, didn't really pass out lol. In the end, it was a long event, at times, I didn't think I'll make it but I did. Started at 9am Saturday and finished at 10am Sunday. Taking in account of my 1 hour `nap`.
Well, that was pretty much it for the Extra Life Gaming Marathon. I gamed, the organization made 1.1 million dollars, and we had fun doing it.
Until next year.
Keep fighting the fight.
~ JB
I has a blast. I pretty much played world of warcraft. league of legends (both comp games) halo for a little. nhl 12.