Wednesday, November 16, 2011 first 10-15 hours

Well, I know I'm slacking but if I try to do this everyday, it feels like a job and the fun is sucked out of it. So I'm resorting to posting when I have something to post. That may lead to more post in a day or maybe one post a week...who knows. But if I do multiple posts in a day, then they would probably be smaller ones.

Anyways to the blog....

I have to say that I FUCKIN LOVE THIS GAME. This is by far the best Elder Scrolls game out there. If you are a RPG fan, you have to get this game. The dragon fights are fun and hard but doable, and I haven't changed the difficulty I play on yet. I have left it on Adept. (def. very skilled; proficient; expert).

If you have never played any of the Elder Scrolls games this is the one to try first. Not because its new, only because this is how they set up creating your character. You pick your race, your name and BAM your playing the game after the opening sequence. The 2 others that I've played were Morrowind and Oblivion. Those you need to pick your star sign to add bonus to your attributes and then you have to pick your major attribute. If you know what your doing, go at it but if you don't, you wouldn't know how to pick what attributes that would help you level up. Just say you want to be an archer mage assassin but if you pick attributes in the other games to work with those but you end up playing like an archer two-handed weapon expert bass-ass so the attributes now won't work the way you want with leveling up. So you have to do one of two things, just continue playing or start over. With Skyrim, you don't need to worry about that. Your character levels up with the style of how you play.

One of the things I thought was pretty cool what they did was that there are now kids in the game. Not of all ages, just probably around 10-13. The dragon fights are pretty random. There are some that are scripted to happen to go with the storyline but when you fight them, they are still random on how they attack. A lot of people are saying ,`This is how Oblivion should have been.` Well, I think not. Oblivion was still amazing for its day. Skyrim is Skyrim.

Some things I've learned from playing in this game are, if you don't want a village to attack you, don't shoot a chicken walking in the streets, dragons have ADD in some fights, using whirlwind sprint when over-encumbered gets you where your going a lot quicker, and save often.

I am maybe 15-20 hours into the game and I've only killed 5 dragons. And I'm not that far into the game. I've read on that a couple people are already done the main storyline and one guy has killed at least 19 dragons since he posted last. I'm falling behind. :(
Now its time to get up, hide some of my daughters toy glass diamonds and make a treasure map before I have to pick her up from school. And I'll be sliding in Skyrim or Halo: CEA in between.

~ JB

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