Monday, January 23, 2012

H.U.O. - Hearing Unknown Object

Ya ya, I'm a day late, what are you gonna do about it? Yesterday was a bad day for the most part. My daughter was way too sassy and for me getting up at 5am on the weekend both days made me a little short tempered so I just didn't want to sit down to write this. And I couldn't access some sites I needed to on my home computer for some reason.

Well, here is the blog I talked about....

I seen a post about this on my facebook page and I watched the video and it got me interested. I posted on a forum for people to discuss it so I can get some feedback before writing the blog. Plus I didn't want to jump into this posted about it and not having much information. I still don't have much though. Just speculation and a collection of thoughts from many people.

Anyways here is the video on Youtube

Its a 15 minute video of a sound heard from western Canada to places in Russia, Europe and many other places. It sounds a little like the sound from War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise in it but it also doesn't seem to be the same from clip to clip. There are similarity to them but it could be some small audio tweaks to change it.
The sounds started from January 11th, 2012 to the 16th. I have not heard the sound myself in those days, but because it is winter, I spend 99% of my time inside, hibernating.

There are many things that can make this look like a fake. There are no curious movements from any animals seen in the clips. People in the background seem to be unaware of the sounds. And unless I'm wrong, the clip from Montreal Canada has green leaves and green grass. I know here in Windsor, it was warmer then usual, no snow on the grounds so you can see the grass, but the only green trees were Evergreens. Every other tree had lost their leaves a couple months ago.

The only way I can think of it not being a fake is the variety of locations being taped. And the slight differences between the sounds from clip to clip. Some do seem the same, but others don't. I personally am leaning toward a fake though.

If the sounds are real, but man made, it could be a marketing stunt to promote a new game or movie. We have seen stuff like this happen in the past. One in particular was the situation that lead to the release of Halo 2.

In the end, I did not find out if this was a hoax or something real. Again, I am leaning toward something fake. It is something interesting to release to shake people up with this year being 2012. With people already worried about the Mayans calendar and saying the world will end this year. I personally think those people are idiots. Yes I said it, if you believe the world will end this year, please...PLEASE...take a 2 by 4, nail in a 10 inch spike, lay it on the ground, and fall face first into it. This will cause you to not be gullible with the end of the world theories.

The Mayans never said the world will end this year anyways. All their calender says is that our planet, Earth, has made one full trip around the Milky Way Galaxy. The same way our planet circles the Sun. Nothing will change, it will just be year 2 of our galactic year. (Or 3 or 4 or however many time we circled the Milky Way since the time of creation.) (~~~creation from God or the Big Bang or whatever you believe.~~~)(gotta cover all the bases

Please feel free to email me or comment me with your thoughts on this.
my email is

And before I go, if I am wrong about the end of the world, and man-kind does end in December, come New Years 2013, I will dress as a banana and do disco dancing down the main street of the city...but remember, I will only do this IF the world ends in

~ JB

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another exciting blog....NOT!!!! LoL

Well, here is another installment of my blog. Exciting eh!? lol
Well, I've been thinking of how life is now and how it was last year. And I have to say, because of certain things last year, I pretty much had to put my life on hold. I almost even stopped hanging out with friends entirely but thankfully for them, they worked with me and we were able to hang out the odd time. Not as much as I would like, but more then not hanging out with them.

The reason for my life being put on hold was this one job the company I work for had to do. My co-worker and I were taking turns working 12hr shifts. The other days we worked about 7-8 hours. By the end of November, the job was finally done. No more doing work for those guys. Not only did I have to almost stop hanging out with friends because of that job, I also had to put off my dating life. Shitty thing was I was even starting to see this one girl. Fun to hang with, good dancer and a somewhat gamer. Oh and she's done modeling too. lol. I think my chance with her now is gone but there is many more fish in the sea.

I'm looking back into getting in the dating world but some other issues have came up. One major one is the fact that the sub pump in my basement doesn't work all to well. And after having the landlord come in to fix it at least two times, it still doesn't work at times. Everything seems to be going good, then one day I'll wake up or come home from work and part of the basement is now a swimming pool. There are a couple issues that seem to be causing it but the landlord seems to not want to put as much effort into fixing things the proper way and only wants to fix things quickly and cheaply.

Oh and I'll add this so you can get a better view of why this is a major issue. I currently live with my sister, her hubby and their now 3 kids. We all go the place together almost 2 years ago after discussing us moving in together.Well, we agreed that I would get the basement. Just so I can have my own apt like setting.

Now that you know that I basically live in the basement you know how terrible the flooding problem is. Thankfully the basement floor isn't flat and most of the water moves in a very predictable way. I have 99% of my things set up so if the basement floods, the water wont hit anything I don't want ruined. Like my electronics.

So as in my dating life, even though I would love to get back out there and get into a relationship, it looks like I have to put it on hold for the time being. Even though I've been meaning to try and get this one girls number that works at my local EB Games. Or maybe I should still pursue that one girl, and just tell her who I live with and say that I would rather chill at her place to avoid the awkward situation of my sister and her family being there.

This year does seem to be slowly getting better though. Especially from last years crap. It literally put my life in a big slump and I can honestly say, I slipped a little into depression. It sucks but that's life. Take the hits, but keep pushing forward.

I'm loving the more time I get with my daughter. Even though I have to wake up at 5:15am the weeks I have her to get her to daycare on time, it is worth it, BIG TIME!!! I'm even planning a fun day this weekend. From after supper tomorrow night till the time I have to go bowling for my league Saturday night. She's excited, I'm excited. This is gonna be an awesome weekend.

I'm thinking of doing another contest sometime soon. Not sure what it'll be of or what the prizes will be so please email your suggestions or questions or whatever and I'll keep everyone posted. Also if anyone can send me information on how to do a podcast using free software, let me know. I'm thinking of trying it out and maybe I'll do a podcast once a month or something like that.

Until next time, stay cheesy my friends....

~ JB

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Non-Technological Age

This morning while I was waiting for the bus with my daughter I got the thinking. With how the world is, with technology and such, what would things be like if EVERYTHING electronic just stopped, this is my thoughts on this subject.

First of all, we wont have anymore blogz to read lol. So much of the world would get so chaotic. About 99% of my work is received by emails with 100% of it is done on a computer. There will be no way I could keep a job and I would have to resort to going back into bricklaying. I don't mind the physical labor, but with the experience I have, I know most of the people in that industry are complete assholes. But a job is a job.

There will be no way to get any information to each other except for by word of mouth. There will be no iPods, cell phones or TV's. Life as we know it will completely stop. It will start slowly but I think within a week or two, countries will have to have some form of martial law. The only problem with that is how will the individual cities get their information from the head of the governments? Or do they already have a plan to put into action just in case this situation arose? I know we kinda had a touch of this back in 2003 when approx 55 million people lost power in both Canada and the U.S. Lucky for us, that only lasted a very short time. Not long enough for a society to become chaotic.

Other then many, many bad things that could possibly happen, there are a few good things that most likely will happen. We will find a way to look past our differences and be able to help each other out. We will help our fellow man knowing they will be there to help us when we need it. There will be no need to be better then someone by getting the newest TV or game station or cell phone, etc. People will actually get off their asses and get work done. Over eating will be gone due to lack of artificial foods and lack of actual food. So no more Micky D's for those out there who can't go a couple days without stuffing your face with food that germs won't even touch.

It would take years before the world would be able to get back to `normal`. Countries might actually break up into smaller factions or holds and govern themselves. So the whole corrupted government will actually change from what it is now. And things might actually get done for the Well, I can dream can't I...?

How do you think your life will change if all that is electronic just stops working? What would you do to survive? Would humanity survive? Comment, discuss and explain your reasons. Just no flaming...except from me. :)

Oh and if they non-technological age is brought on by a zombie outbreak, sorry, but I'll be tripping your ass to save myself and my daughter so I'll just say sorry now.

~ JB

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dumb Questions or Dumb People.

I came up with the topic of my blog from a text I got the other day. Before I got the full story, what was asked had to be the dumbest thing I was ever asked. And I am related to this person. :/  The following blog shows that you should re-read your text's before you send them to make sure they mean what you want them to mean.

The text was this, "Hey, if u have no internet so u cant get on the web how is it possible to get on an online game?"..........Most of the people that just read that gave their face a lot of palm. I always said that there is no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb I just do this to poke fun of everyone, including myself. I love my sister, but she needs to look/think over things before she asks questions. I found out later what she meant. Basically she was able to use her Skype, and play Final Fantasy Online but wasn't able to access any other part of the internet. Not sure why, buy her initial question made me laugh, then be worried cause we share the same blood-line.

Now I know my sister will read this someday and I want to say to her, sorry but that question was just funny and I had to mention it in my blog, but I'll be nice and not tell everyone who you are and that your name is

I know all of us either have had someone as a dumb question or we ourselves have asked a dumb question. But are they really dumb questions or dumb people or neither?? I have to say its a little of all.

Dumb questions are only thought of as dumb questions by people who already know the answer and have figured out that it's just common sense in their life......but not so common in other people's lives.

Dumb people are everywhere but when they are ignorant and don't know anything about their question, then they aren't technically dumb, just ignorant or un-knowledgeable of the information in question. And with someone answering the question, they are less dumb. In the end, it wasn't either a dumb question or dumb person, just a learning experience.

In conclusion, I find that everyone in their own right are dumb but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Look at it this way, the dumber you are, the more you can learn. So try and learn at least one new thing a day, so when you go to bed at night, you know that that day wasn't wasted.

~ JB

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rage: Blazing Game Review

I would have made this post earlier but I didn't because I wanted my excitement and then, disappointment of this game to subside before writing a review of it.

First of all, this game is visually stunning.The graphics are amazing. When you first walk outside from the start of the game, the environment looks beautiful. Yes it is apocalyptic looking but it is still very beautiful. The clouds looks like the best clouds in any game I have seen. The only problem, they don't move. Its the same all the time. The day doesn't change so its bright and sunny the whole time you play except if you are inside someplace. The character renderings are done pretty well too. When the characters talk, its like they are actually talking, well, with some small hiccups in some place, but not too much.

The sound, done pretty well. I haven't tried it with my Turtle Beach headset to get the full effect, but I don't think I need to attempt that.

The game play feels like a traditional ID Software game. It has the same feeling as Quake, and Doom and I have played most if not all of those games, even Wolfenstein back in the day. I like the mechanics of everything in it. It flows nice and smooth and the loading times are not that bad. Better if you install the game to your hard drive....if you have enough room. I also like how they put in the tribute rooms for those 3 games I mentioned above. Very nice guys, very nice.

I played the shit outta the game when I got it. I don't think anything else went in my system for a good week or two. I know they were going for an RPG/FPS type game but it felt like the whole thing was on rails. Rails that let you choose this or that at only a couple places but it was still gonna end up the same place at the end and have the exact same feel no matter how you played.

The enemies were nice to fight. I liked how the different types had different fighting styles and such. But you only really got to fight them a couple times and when they were done in those area's, they were gone forever. Well, except for the guys in vehicles. They always come back.

The one "boss" fight were you had to kill a giant, 20 story mutant was pretty fun but that made the ending fight not worth it. Yes I know a lot of games are implementing a continuous wave like fights but when you have that as the last fight before you beat the game, its crap. I'd rather do that in mini missions a couple times in the game. They should have had a huge boss fight with maybe mini waves to help him at the end. I was disappointed in the ending.

I do see that they left it open to continue on the game in later games but will they continue on or was this a swan song that didn't go as far as they wanted. I heard many good things leading up to the game, and within the first 2-4 weeks the game was out, but that was it. The more people that beat the game, the less you hear how awesome the game was. Don't get me wrong, I do still like the game a lot but the hype and visual graphics made the game seem a lot better then it was.

I might find time over the next year or two to go back and beat the game on the hardest difficulty and get all the achievements but I have other, better games to play and beat.

I give this game 3.75 flames outta 5.
ID, please put a little more effort into the next RAGE game PLEASE!!!

~ JB