Ya ya, I'm a day late, what are you gonna do about it? Yesterday was a bad day for the most part. My daughter was way too sassy and for me getting up at 5am on the weekend both days made me a little short tempered so I just didn't want to sit down to write this. And I couldn't access some sites I needed to on my home computer for some reason.
Well, here is the blog I talked about....
I seen a post about this on my facebook page and I watched the video and it got me interested. I posted on a forum for people to discuss it so I can get some feedback before writing the blog. Plus I didn't want to jump into this posted about it and not having much information. I still don't have much though. Just speculation and a collection of thoughts from many people.
Anyways here is the video on Youtube
Its a 15 minute video of a sound heard from western Canada to places in Russia, Europe and many other places. It sounds a little like the sound from War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise in it but it also doesn't seem to be the same from clip to clip. There are similarity to them but it could be some small audio tweaks to change it.
The sounds started from January 11th, 2012 to the 16th. I have not heard the sound myself in those days, but because it is winter, I spend 99% of my time inside, hibernating.
There are many things that can make this look like a fake. There are no curious movements from any animals seen in the clips. People in the background seem to be unaware of the sounds. And unless I'm wrong, the clip from Montreal Canada has green leaves and green grass. I know here in Windsor, it was warmer then usual, no snow on the grounds so you can see the grass, but the only green trees were Evergreens. Every other tree had lost their leaves a couple months ago.
The only way I can think of it not being a fake is the variety of locations being taped. And the slight differences between the sounds from clip to clip. Some do seem the same, but others don't. I personally am leaning toward a fake though.
If the sounds are real, but man made, it could be a marketing stunt to promote a new game or movie. We have seen stuff like this happen in the past. One in particular was the ILoveBees.com situation that lead to the release of Halo 2.
In the end, I did not find out if this was a hoax or something real. Again, I am leaning toward something fake. It is something interesting to release to shake people up with this year being 2012. With people already worried about the Mayans calendar and saying the world will end this year. I personally think those people are idiots. Yes I said it, if you believe the world will end this year, please...PLEASE...take a 2 by 4, nail in a 10 inch spike, lay it on the ground, and fall face first into it. This will cause you to not be gullible with the end of the world theories.
The Mayans never said the world will end this year anyways. All their calender says is that our planet, Earth, has made one full trip around the Milky Way Galaxy. The same way our planet circles the Sun. Nothing will change, it will just be year 2 of our galactic year. (Or 3 or 4 or however many time we circled the Milky Way since the time of creation.) (~~~creation from God or the Big Bang or whatever you believe.~~~)(gotta cover all the bases here...lol.)
Please feel free to email me or comment me with your thoughts on this.
my email is JohnnyBlazezBlogz@gmail.com
And before I go, if I am wrong about the end of the world, and man-kind does end in December, come New Years 2013, I will dress as a banana and do disco dancing down the main street of the city...but remember, I will only do this IF the world ends in December...lol
~ JB