This morning while I was waiting for the bus with my daughter I got the thinking. With how the world is, with technology and such, what would things be like if EVERYTHING electronic just stopped, this is my thoughts on this subject.
First of all, we wont have anymore blogz to read lol. So much of the world would get so chaotic. About 99% of my work is received by emails with 100% of it is done on a computer. There will be no way I could keep a job and I would have to resort to going back into bricklaying. I don't mind the physical labor, but with the experience I have, I know most of the people in that industry are complete assholes. But a job is a job.
There will be no way to get any information to each other except for by word of mouth. There will be no iPods, cell phones or TV's. Life as we know it will completely stop. It will start slowly but I think within a week or two, countries will have to have some form of martial law. The only problem with that is how will the individual cities get their information from the head of the governments? Or do they already have a plan to put into action just in case this situation arose? I know we kinda had a touch of this back in 2003 when approx 55 million people lost power in both Canada and the U.S. Lucky for us, that only lasted a very short time. Not long enough for a society to become chaotic.
Other then many, many bad things that could possibly happen, there are a few good things that most likely will happen. We will find a way to look past our differences and be able to help each other out. We will help our fellow man knowing they will be there to help us when we need it. There will be no need to be better then someone by getting the newest TV or game station or cell phone, etc. People will actually get off their asses and get work done. Over eating will be gone due to lack of artificial foods and lack of actual food. So no more Micky D's for those out there who can't go a couple days without stuffing your face with food that germs won't even touch.
It would take years before the world would be able to get back to `normal`. Countries might actually break up into smaller factions or holds and govern themselves. So the whole corrupted government will actually change from what it is now. And things might actually get done for the Well, I can dream can't I...?
How do you think your life will change if all that is electronic just stops working? What would you do to survive? Would humanity survive? Comment, discuss and explain your reasons. Just no flaming...except from me. :)
Oh and if they non-technological age is brought on by a zombie outbreak, sorry, but I'll be tripping your ass to save myself and my daughter so I'll just say sorry now.
~ JB
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