Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Back At It Once Again

I'm going to try to get time at least once a week to blog, if not more. I've been chewing around the thought of just deleting this or try another go at it. After months or thinking, I decided to go with it and still blog.

So whats new....Well, life is way different then last time I blogged. I'm training at work to run our new laser, learning new programs and such. I'll also be going to Chicago next week to learn the new laser in depth there. Only going to be there for 5 days, but I'm going to make the most of it.
I now also have a dog. His name is Dozer. He is 4 months old today and about 4 times the size of when I got him. I last weighed him on the weekend and he's now 39lbs. yikes.

Now to gaming. I've gotten a few new games since the last time on here but not sure what ones really. I have a lot now. I did finally pick up a PS3 that came with Uncharted 3. I also picked up The Last of Us, which so far is a fuckin' awesome game, and the reason I finally picked up a PS3. And since I was blowing money away, I picked up the G155 Sentry Personal Gaming Environment. If you don't know what that is, Google it. I'll be posting a review over the next day or three. (I'll be using all or most of my half assed review I did on

Well, that's all I have for now. Stay tuned for my G155 Sentry Review. And maybe look forward to another horror movie question challenge coming in a couple months. Not 100% sure if I'll be doing this again, I'll have to iron out a few things first.

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby

~ JB

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