Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One year gone, thousands of covenant killed.

One year ago my favorite video game franchise released a new game. If you haven't guessed, it was Halo: Reach. I played the shit out of that game. lol

Lucky for me I had a friend who had a non-modded system and he let me borrow his, and he borrowed my modded system. I had to get a new disc last week cause it was so warn from playing.

Over the past year I've played in a league and clocked in almost 3 million credits. I've seen people who's made it to 20 million credits in that time. Looking at it another way, at 3 million is a level 40 and 20 million is level 50. I don't think I'll make it to level 50. lol

The league I was in, the team I was on made it to the championship game but lost. Our season/playoff stats are 25-6-0. We lost 3 in the championship games. Sucks, but we had a blast playing. In February the next Halo league is gonna start and you know I'll definitely gonna be signing my ass up lol.

If you are curious about joining the league or others like CoD, Racing, GOW3 (I think there will be one), golf and possibly others then check out

We do have some rules though....We are an adult gamer site, no one under 18 y/o. We want gamers that will be part of and contribute to the community. Forum activity is important. To make sure people aren't just joining for the league then quitting, we have a minimum requirement of being a member of the site and post count. These are just a generalization. Some info may change over the next while. (Age will stay the same.) Talk about rules to join is still under discussion.

Yes I had to say something about the gaming community I'm part of. I am the 2nd longest active member. I registered two positions behind the founder. LoL I gotta help the site out anyway I can. And yes I know I can talk about the new halo game coming out this year and next but I'll leave that for November 15th.

Remember people, Life is not a video game. If it was there would be a 'revert to checkpoint' feature.

~ JB

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