What a shitty day. Rain, rain, rain....oh fun.
Normally I wouldn't mind the rain but today just doesn't seem like a good day so far. Woke up earlier then normal again. Don't know why my iPhone likes going off before 6am. I HAVE NO ALARM SET OF ANYTIME BEFORE 630am. And just to make sure it wasn't something messed up with the internal clock, I changed the alarm last night to 7am and it still went off at five-fuckin-thirty in the morning. At least I was in bed by midnight last night.
The alarm going off early was only the start, next I noticed that my 7 month old kitten Seven can now get on top of my fridge and he knocked the one container I have some of his food in off of the fridge and he proceeded to scratch and bite through the bag of kitten chow I have up there. He has more then enough food in his bowl, why did he want to go up there for some, I have no clue...
Then it continues....I go to catch my bus cause of the rain, but even though I was 5 minutes early for the bus, was already passing the bus stop before I got to finish crossing the street. Fine, ok, I can deal with that, I'll just be a couple minutes late for work by catching the next one. The next bus came and it stopped to let a couple people off, at first the bus driver didn't open the front door to let me in. I did notice a lot of students on the bus, but if the lazy ass students didn't want to fill in the large amount of room in the back of the bus, they all seemed to think that moving 3-5 steps back was too much work to make more room. If it wasn't for the lone student who exited the front of the bus, the bus driver woulda drove away without letting me in. As soon as those doors opened, I hoped in, and payed, not caring, and not listening to see if he said there was no room. Thank God for headphones and loud music lol. I didn't see the problem of letting one person on the bus when the next stop, half of the students would have got off the bus anyways, and then the other half would have got off the stop after that one....
Ramble ramble ramble...ok I think I'm done venting now.....
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