Friday, February 24, 2012

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim MMO....How would it work?

I know a lot of people out there are like me and would love to play Skyrim online with other people. Or at least just a couple friends. But for a game that was created for only one player, how can it work with multiple players? Would it be PvP, PvE or a mix of the two??! Over this blog, I will give the pros and cons of what I think would work and wouldn't work if they branched this game into where you can play online with other people through DLC or just another new game all together.

The first thing that comes to mind is the quests. Unless you have caves that consistently re-spawn enemies, and items, this would be a problem. I know some caves do re-spawn some enemies but that's only after a couple days in the game. As for items, I haven't seen all the chests filled again after going back. Also would the quests be for anyone in any party size to be able to do them, or will there be some quests designated for X amount of players?!  But tweaks like this would be easily made.

How would the story-line change?
All of us that has played The Elder Scrolls games know that after doing certain quests, things in the game change. With multiple people playing at once, this would cause a problem. Maybe Jimmy didn't do the Dark Brotherhood's quest where he has to kill the high queen of Skyrim, and Mike did. Jimmy will still see the high queen but Mike wont. If they paired up together and went to the city that the high queen was in, Jimmy might be left alone while Mike will get attacked from the guards. Or Maybe Jimmy did the storm-cloaks quests and Mike did the Legion. That would have conflicting story-lines going. Who would be in charge of the Holds in Skyrim? The only way I can see this happening is with minimum issues is having the rebellion a constant thing of change. Different people are put into Jaul positions, quests will have you kill different NPC's that change every time someone kills the last. And the rebellion could be whatever side has had more completed missions be in charge of Skyrim. To simplify that, 37 people completed the Storm-cloaks mission where 49 people completed the Legion side. So, the Legion will be in charge of the land. This would leave to every interesting things happening.

Now the big part that has my head confused on how it would work. PvP or PvE or PvE/P....
First I will say, the only way I can see this working is having the world as a PvE and have arena's that are PvP. They can implement a PvP outside the arena but that would be best where you can only fight people within 5 levels or so of yourself and if both people agree like how they have it Borderlands. I know in sometimes in Skyrim I would go around and easily kill a NPC with one arrow, now just imagine playing it as a MMO and some dick at level 55 walks to a guy who is level 6 and one shot kills him, then loots his body. That would get annoying fast.

These are the main points I can see that would be an issue with turning this great game into a MMO or at least a co-op experience. The one main thing that I, and many others will love is you and your friends can finally settle the argument on who has a stronger character. lol

Sorry this took so long to get out but I wanted to chew over my words and make sure everything sounded good before publishing.

If anyone has time, check out the Skyrim Off The Record podcast. Always a great show.


~ JB

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