Friday, October 28, 2011

Horror Movie Quote Contest - Question 5

Well, here is the last question for this contest. And there is still an unanswered random question. Check here for the random question.

And again, I will not show who is in the lead for points. Winner will be announced on November 1st and I will contact said indavidual.

This quote is from a 2006 movie.

Guy 1. "What's that?"
Guy 2. "Opportunity knocking....Or Granny and her vibrator.
Girl 1. "That was pathetic.
Girl 2. "hahahaaa."

I was actually shocked at how this movie was. I'll explain more in my review why I thought it was better then I initially thought.

~ JB

Thursday, October 27, 2011

This, That, & A Big Bag of Toenail Clippings.

I can't wait until things slow down a little in my life. Haven't really had time to do most of my online surfing to find interesting stuff to write about. Not like I had interesting stuff written on here before but I can dream of a well organized blog lol.

Why has my life been more busy....well, work for one. Duh. Its just been crazy busy and because I do most of my work on a computer, when I get home, I don't really want to jump online. I tend to stay away from it, unless I need to fix it again. How do I know if it needs fixing? Normally its my sister who tells me that something isn't working. She could ask her hubby but everyone in my family always asks me. Oh the life of the family geek. I should start charging At least my mom tells me that she'll cook me dinner before coming out right and asking me to fix her computer. Now that I think of it, I think she needs me to go clean up her computer to make it run faster. No thanks to my Dad and his constant trips to various porn sites. Thanks Dad.

I've been meaning to do a review of RAGE since I beat it 10 days after it came out. lol. I am currently playing it on Nightmare with the strategy get the last achievements. This is the first game I actually bought the guide to. I have used the one for Morrowind and FF7. I used the one in FF7 for my 2nd play through and I used the guide for Morrowind only after I beat all the main quests. Used it to get all those side ones. Well, all of the ones I did before I stopped playing thanks to

Since I'm talking about The Elder Scrolls series, who's getting Skyrim when it gets out? You better believe I am. I'm throwing in the extra money to get the dragon statue. I can't say no to that. My life will be on hold for the next week when I get that. Skyrim on the 11th, then Halo: CEA on the 15th. I might throw out more money and get the next Assassin's Creed game that also comes out on the 15th. And then coming out on the 20th, Zelda. 3-4 games within 10 days....Just hook me up to an IV, give me a chair with a toilet in it and a mini fridge stocked up with beer and food, oh ya, and a microwave and I'll be set. The dream of a gamer lol.

I'm kinda in shock now that I think of how many XBox 360 titles I have bought in the past 13 months since I got my first XBox 360. (On to my 2nd one since my first one was used and started to die.) I must have spent easily $1000-1500 in the past 13 months. I wouldn't be too shocked if it was closer to $2000. (Counting the purchase of the XBox 360s 250Gb for $300+)

Just so I can keep you readers interested, I will start working on a review of RAGE over the next week. Hopefully I'll have it up by Thursday or Friday of next week. Then I'll start doing a review of Dead Island, if I have it beat by then. Most of you playing is have probably already beat it but I actually have a life outside of games so you will have to wait for it.

In other news, we are down to the last movie quote question that will be posted tomorrow. So stay tuned.
And btw, I will not be showing who is in what place for points. I'm now keeping that a secret...muahahahahhaaaaa!!!!!!

Random question time for 5 points.
Whats greater then God, more evil then Satan, rich people want it, poor people have it, and if you eat it, it will kill you....?

 for an additional 5 points.
If I kept all my piercings I've ever got in, how many total would I have?

Life isn't too short, its just when you're dead, you're dead for so fuckin' long....

~ JB

Monday, October 24, 2011

Horror Movie Blazing Review: Resident Evil: Extinction

Like I mentioned in the HMQC blog the 2008 movie Animals is complete crap.  It took a bit to pick up leaving big windows open. Parts of it have jumped back and forth between a couple parts and it made things happening confusing. The acting was terrible as well. I always give movies the insite of how the director is trying to portray it but I could not see where they were going with this. I passed out maybe half way threw the movie so I have no clue how it ended. And the situations that came up and the choices the people made were a joke. If you want to put yourself threw a garbage movie, check this out but I warned you.

I give that movie a 1 flame out of 10. It would have gotten a 0 but there was titties in them so that at least gets one

Now for the actual movie.

Most of you have seen this movie so there will be nothing new in this for you. I for one think is this is is the better movies of the 4. This is the best way I have seen in a movie of what would happen if a zombie outbreak happened and most of humanity was lost to the flesh eating walking dead. How Alice is with her ablilities really shines threw in this movie. Shows her real potential.

The Umbrella Corporation is trying to replicate Alice in a clone to get the best fighting machine to work on their side, but because there sample is outdated, they keep having problems. You see this in the begining of the movie. The actual Alice finds a few friends from one of the previous movies and helps them along to excape to a safe place of no infection that in near Alaska. If you have seen any of the movies, you know what you are in for. If you like action movies with lots of zombie killings, this is the movie for you.

After watching this, I now want to re-watch all the movies from first to last. If I can get the ones that are not on Netflix, I may do this sometime this or next weekend. Maybe halloween....hmmmm.

Well, this wasn't as informitive as I thought it would be but like I stated above, most, if not all of you, have seen this movie. If you haven't, then go watch it, NOW...but if you have, go watch it again. lol

~ JB

Friday, October 21, 2011

Horror Movie Quote Contest - Question 4

Yes, I know this blog entry is late. I didn't have much time for this between Friday and now. I did watch a movie Thursday night for a review but the one I first picked was complete trash. I fought to stay awake to watch it but fell asleep half way through. Luckily the movie is done being on Netflix at the end of this month. What movie was so terrible? It was a 2008 movie Animals. Seriously, complete trash. More on that tomorrow.

Here we go, quote time. For 10 pts;
What 2007 movie has this?

Doctor: This is amazing, he knows what it is.
Doctor: try.
Guy 1: My God, unbelievable. He has memory and reasoning skills.
Guy 2: This is incredible. The serum works, you domesticated them. You've done it. Congratulations.

Because I'm late on this, you have until Tuesday around 8-9 pm EST to answer this. Good luck.

~ JB

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Show review - The Walking Dead

I know I haven't been doing a blog everyday like I wanted and said but work is crazy this week. I've been working 11 hour days. I feel burnt out, but I'm gonna love the pay. I might even think of getting the iPhone 4s, or just wait until after the holidays so I can spend that extra money to spoil my daughter. Choices choices....Anyways, on with my blog...

The Walking Dead.

I just finished watching the first 6 episodes of the short first season and I have to say....I FUCKIN LOVE THIS SERIES. True Blood was an awesome series, but then I got bored of it after the first 2. A lot of my friends said I should watch the other ones, but I just didn't have time. I have more important things to

We have all seen zombie type movies no matter who you are. We know the ins and outs of what happens in them and how it always ends. People fight off zombies, try and stay safe, then an army happens to stumble across them, killing all the zombies around and saving them. The End. People died, people cry, kids seem to be no where. This series is different then the typical zombie movie but they still maintain the traditional zombie like abilities. There dead, hungry and they come after all living things. You wont be getting those zombies who can run like hell after someone. That just doesn't speak zombie to me. 

Before I continue, I'll just say this. They don't call the zombies in this series zombies, they use the word geek. Some not-so-educated people might wonder why they are calling them geeks, aren't geeks like nerds but cooler...? The original term for geek is "a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken." It originated around 1915-1920.

The main thing I like about this show is its showing how life is after a zombie like apocalypse. You see a few different `clans` of people that are working together to survive. You have people from all different backgrounds as well that in a normal life, wouldn't get along but due to the situation, they look past their differences and band together for the greater

If you are a zombie fan and want to see something other then the traditional zombie like movies, you have to check this out. It will definitely be worth it. The average show is between 45-60 minutes long. Season 2 has already started and I'm behind the 2 episodes already released. Unlucky for me, they don't have these yet on Netflix so I'll have to actually use my cable box to find when those episodes are on.

I give this series a 9 flames outta 10. Superb series.

~ JB

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Horror Movie Blazing Review: TEETH

Ya, I'm late on this one, but I've been busy. Plus yesterday I was gonna write this up when I got home but I ended up having to fix my home computer. It took me about 90 minutes and after that, I just didn't want to be on a computer for the rest of the night. we go...

I first  heard of this movie from the Dave and Chuck the Freak show at least a year or two ago and it sounded disturbing but funny at the same time. As soon as I seen it on Netflix, I had to watch it.

The movie is centered around a teenage girl who is in her pubescent years. She knows somethings different about her but she doesn't know who to talk to. She's also one of the main speakers of a group of high school students who talk about abstinence and waiting to have sex until married. She discovers part way threw the movie, that her va-jay-jay has teeth. Obviously it scares her at first but then after certain situations happen, she decides to use her ummmm, teeth for good. I definitely would not want to be on the receiving end of her in a bad mood.

The movie seems like a typical B type movie with some ok acting, some funny parts and some wtf parts thrown in. Depending on who you are, you might like this or not. It's more so a movie for the women, yet some guys would probably enjoy it too, if they are able to see a part of a man being bit off.

I give this movie 6 flames outta 10.

HMQC Leaders

Mycaelus - 20 pts
Potatoehead89 - 13 pts
shearsnshutters - 10 pts

So guys, just in case this might be real somewhere out there, don't piss a chick off too much, you don't want to end up like any of these guys in the

~ JB

Monday, October 17, 2011

Gaming Marathon Recap

Well, I did have a morning first break blog but something happened to it and it went bye bye. Oh well. Here is just a quick recap of the 24 hour gaming marathon. Then I'll be doing the Movie Review blog post.

I played pretty much all my Kinect games I have with my daughter and nephews in the morning, before my sister took them to her baby shower. We played Kinect Adventures, Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hole in the Wall and they played the Once upon a Monster demo. They had a blast and I had a blast playing with them.

We finished that then I popped in either RAGE or Halo: Reach. Can't really remember, most of the day is a blur now lol. Speaking of Blur, I didn't end up playing that Oh well, there is always next year.

All the games I ended up playing are, RAGE, Halo: Reach, Kinect Adventures, Fruit Ninja Kinect, Hole in the Wall, Once upon a Monster, (I didn't actually play that, the kids did,) Skate 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Dead Island, Gun Stringer, and Fable 3. Not to mention the couple games I played on my iPhone 3Gs.

I ended up taking a nap around 2am. Can't really call it a nap cause I downed an XL 3x3 from Timmy's before that so I pretty much only laid there with my eye's close for it, didn't really pass out lol. In the end, it was a long event, at times, I didn't think I'll make it but I did. Started at 9am Saturday and finished at 10am Sunday. Taking in account of my 1 hour `nap`.

Well, that was pretty much it for the Extra Life Gaming Marathon. I gamed, the organization made 1.1 million dollars, and we had fun doing it.

Until next year.
Keep fighting the fight.

~ JB

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gaming Marathon. Getting ready.

I first wanted to start gaming at 8am but when I was getting up, I was a lil tired. Plus I ended up getting breakfast for my daughter and my 2 nephews. I went to Tim Hortons to get my coffee, and then coffees for my sisters and brother-in-laws. So I'm starting to game at 9am.

I'm gonna start out with gaming with the kids in some Kinect games. They'll gonna love it.

Haven't heard from my other team members. Hope to see them online soon.

Happy gaming. :)

~ JB


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Extra Life Charity 24 hour gaming marathon

Three more days until I spend 24 hours straight on my comfy ass chair and game for raising money for my local Children's Hospital. I will be gaming with some friends of mine for the day. My team consists of 5 people, counting myself. We are The Nimrods If you would like, please help us raise more money to reach our team goal. You can donate any amount of money you feel like. $5, $20 or even $100 or more if you feel really generous.

We first tried to see if we can all game in the same place but due to the amount of TV's issue at home place and network issues at another place, we will be gaming at our own homes. We will still be connected through XBox Live in a party so we can still trash talk each other the whole time. Almost like being all together except for the occasional shot in the arm from one of your good friends. lol

The games we will be playing are, RAGE, Borderlands, Halo: Reach, Dead Island, Gun Stringer, Blur and a few more. If anyone wants to join us on that day, feel free to send me a friend request on XBL to SG Weasel and add a comment in the request simply saying JB Blogz Extra Life.

I also have posted in the gaming forum I'm a long time member of Seasoned Gamers, and asked them there who would like to join my friends and I for the event. Mainly for Halo: Reach. Custom games with fellow SGers are always a blast.

I will leave you now with an email I got from the Extra Life website from the mother of the little girl who inspired this event. R.I.P. Tori Jo. So sorry real life didn't have a respawn option. :(

Dear Friends,
When you hear a child say that God doesn’t cure everyone – you immediately think that they are talking about an older person with an illness.  Never did I in my infinite wisdom believe that they were talking about themselves – but they were. And never did I believe that something so awful could affect one of my children. Now I have learned the difficult way, that God does not cure everyone – and that everyone’s name was Victoria.
Victoria, or Tori Jo, as her friends called her, arrived on June 15, 1992 as our third child. We had two girls and a boy, and our family was complete. We thought our life was pretty perfect until….
When Victoria became ill at the young age of 11 – and the diagnosis was Cancer – our world was rocked.
Imagine being 11 years of age – and hearing the word CANCER and knowing that the person who had CANCER was YOU... I can’t even imagine how she felt. When the doctors told her, I saw her tears and I saw her little shoulders shake and I knew at that moment, that our lives as we knew it would never, ever be the same again.
Victoria never cried again!  She faced so many, many obstacles and so many bumps in the road, yet she never gave up hope.  Once as I was combing her golden blonde hair and it began to just fall out in large clumps, she ended up being the one to reassure me! She told me “it is just hair Mom!”  As I comb my hair each day, I am reminded of what she told me. I will never, ever, talk about having a bad hair day!
If I could tell you one thing to remember about Victoria would be that she was always positive that she was going to beat Cancer. She never gave up Hope and she never lost Faith!   Her courage was endless. She was a fighter. Today I want you to be a fighter for Victoria and a fighter for all of those children who spend endless days and months in a hospital. For these children the simples things are the things we take for granted. Victoria’s last simple request was to go outside and see the Christmas lights. A very kind man, Jeromy “Doc” Adams granted her that simple request and was able to push her around the grounds of the hospital so that she could see the Christmas lights. Going outside is something we all take for granted. Unfortunately it was her last Christmas gift. She was never to see another Christmas light here on Earth.
When Victoria passed away, I knew again, our lives would never be the same. The hole in our heart is always there and each day I have that reminder that there is never a “do-over” in life. I can not go back and do this over and make it right. I can not make it right for Victoria. That is the guilt that I  carry with me each and every day. Victoria never got to go to high school like other children, she didn’t get a driver’s license, go on a date, or even get to graduate and there was nothing that I could do to spare her life.  I, as the Mom, could not find a drug that would have cured her, and so I had to tell her goodbye….I felt like I failed her.
As you prepare for your event – please do not give up Hope. Encourage your friends, one more time, to give from their hearts for children like Victoria. Please do not make this their last Christmas! Continue to keep battling for Victoria – and for the other children – YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE! One day we will all see the difference you have made in the lives of a children with cancer and other serious diseases and injuries– they will be cured and saved. We will all know how you made that difference in your efforts to heal sick children. Thank you all so much for what you are doing for the children!
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away.”
Tori pic.jpg
With love,
Jo Ellen Enmon
Mother of Victoria (Tori Jo) Enmon

Treat every day as it was your last, cause you never know what is around the next corner in life.

~ JB

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Horror Movie Blazing Review: Pulse 3

Before I continue on let me just say a few things. I won't be giving such obvious hints next time and I won't give so much time. Monday 9pm EST will be the end time. Plus I have only seen the first and third movies, but it fits real good as a second movie.

The movie is based off the original of someone finding a frequency that was able to let 'beings' pass through. Turns out the 'beings' were souls of dead people. Possibly ones that haven't crossed over. By watching 2 of the 3 movies (cannot find Pulse 2), the common cause of these spirits deaths were suicide.

The story follows a rebellious teenage girl who finds a laptop and decides to charge it and use it. She meets someone online who tries and pulls her into the city. She meets an interesting guy on the way who seems a little shady. The spirits seem to 'help' her when she reaches the city.

This is the end to the 3 movie series and closes the door to any more. Unless someone comes up with something like a small few of spirits survived from being in emp proof shelters.

Interesting movie if you like the 'evil spirits attacking us through our wifi connection' type movies. Made me laugh, made me really, I cried over the time I wasted watching this while working. I could have watched something a little more exciting.

I give this movie 4 flames outta 10.

Anyways, I need to get off my ass and get next weeks review in order. It's a bitch when you have to write it up that night lol.

HMQC Leaders

Mycaelus - 20 pts
Potatoehead89 - 13 pts

The early bird catches the worm, but procrastinators will alway do it tomorrow.

~ JB

What, was this round of HMQC too hard for ya!?

Like the title says, was this one too hard for everyone??

Here are the hints I gave about them.

1. It was a 2008 movie.
2. It had a character from Boy Meets World in it.
3. It was the third movie of these.

If I don't have a correct answer by between 7pm-8pm EST tonight I will post my review and no one will get any points.

I'm even gonna do a little google hunting after I post this and see how long it takes me to find the movie using the hints I gave.

~ JB

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Horror Movie Quote Contest Question 2

What movie is this from. it premiered in 2008.

Teacher: Technology promised us a better future but technology betrayed us. Who can tell us why? Zack.
Zack: Because technology is evil.
Teacher: And why is technology evil?
Zack: Because Satan uses it to temp us.
Teacher: And class, what are his favorite weapons?
Class: Computers and cell phones.
Teacher: That's right. And how does he spread his evil?
Class: Threw wifi.

~ JB

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fruit Ninja Kinect Code

Please let me know if you're the one who got the Fruit Ninja Kinect code so I can give you credit on getting it.
I'll edit this post in a day or two if I do not have anyone saying they clammed it and I'll post the full code here. But its not hard to locate it...just check the last few days of my blogz and you will find the whole 25 digit code.
Whenever I get another code for XBL, I'll think of another creative way to give it out.

~ JB

Steve Jobs R.I.P.

For those who haven't heard the news, Mr. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers passed away last night at the age of 56. So today's blog will be all about him.

Born on February 24th, 1955 out of wedlock and gave up for adoption. He was a college drop out crashed on friends floors for a place to sleep. He collected coke bottles for spending money and for food money when he wasn't getting free meals from the local Hare Krishna temple.

After leaving Apple in 1985, he founded NeXT computer which Apple acquired in 1997 and brought Steve back to Apple to become CEO. In 1986, Steve bought The Graphics Group (later named Pixar) from Lucasfilm's computer graphics division for $10 million. Pixar partnered up with Disney to produce many great animation movies such as WALL-E, Cars, Toy Story 2 and this list continues. On January 24th 2006, Disney purchased Pixar for $7.4 billion. Once the deal closed, Steve became the largest single shareholder of The Walt Disney Company with 7% of the company's stock.

After returning to Apple, Steve helped launch the company into a new era of technology that most, if not all, of us have had the privileged of owning and/or using. What a tribute too that most of us learned of Steve's passing on one of the devises he help create. He is also listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in 338 US patents which include speakers, keyboards, power adapters, and the list goes on.

He passed away on October 5th, 2011 from a fight against Pancreatic cancer. He leaves behind his wife and 4 children and a legacy that will never be forgotten.

And as Kevin Smith said on Twitter "Steve Jobs! Thanks for never settling for the way things were during a life you spent showing us how things could be. O Captain! My captain!"

"Have the courage to follow your heart & intuition. They already know what u truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs

~ JB

The last and final code for Fruit Ninja Kinect is JX29C

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Busy Busy interrupted.

I wanted to have a more structured blog but with how busy my life is, I can't do all the things that I want to do with it. I wanted to do interviews, book reviews etc, but the only thing I have time to do is my random blogz about nothing and my movie thingy. Plus I didn't get to do the `about me` type blog on my birthday. Oh well, this busy month will be over one day.

I've been trying to find time to write todays blog but when I get time to finish it up. I read that Steve Jobs, xo-founder of Apple passed away today. I now feel a big hole in my geek heart. And I know most of my fellow geeks and nerds feel the same.

I'm gonna try my damnedest to write a blog all about Steve Jobs for tomorrow. This man was truly Thomas Edison of our time. And I am not afraid to admit, I do kinda feel like crying because we just lost a really great man.

Well, here is part 4 of the Fruit Ninja Kinect code RJRY8
One more day left.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the number of moments that take your breath away.

~ JB

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today is a Great Day

We all go through times in our lives where we want to change things. Some go on diets, some change their appearance, some change friends and some, like what I'm doing, join a gym. I'm not doing it cause I'm fat, and need to loose weight, I joined to help get more energy in my life and get more active then I have been in the past couple years.

Today is the day, I'm starting my gym membership. Got my fitness assessment to see what I need to work on to reach my goal. Well, I have two goals. One, get more defined and build up a little muscle. Not too much, just enough to have more shape. My second goal, to work out 2-3 days a week for a year. The first goal will be easy, the second will be all about motivation. I just hope my legs that are a little sore from playing paintball doesn't effect my fitness assessment.

Other then me starting my gym membership, a couple other things have helped me get into a great mood.

Apple is announcing their new iPhone 4S and iSO5. So far from reading what I can from a live blog, I like what I see. I was a little nervous if they were releasing the iPhone 4S or going to the iPhone 5. I would rather them do the 4S. The 5 would probably have a bunch new problems they would have to fix before I would get that. So I was really happy they are doing a 4S. Looks like I'll be getting a new iPhone sometime soon. lol

Another awesome thing today is that Rage is out. I can't wait until work is over, and I'm done at the gym so I can go home and start gaming. I already redeemed my codes I got from the pre-order. Just gotta go home and let them download. These next 3-4 hours are gonna be long as

Well, here is part 3 of the Fruit Ninja Kinect

Oh and so far, no one has given me an answer to my random question yesterday. Its not hard, Google the damn thing. If I don't get an answer tomorrow, no one will get points.

Todays random question for 5 pts.
What goes up but never comes down?
There could be more then one correct answer. Common people, get at it.

If at first you don't succeed, blame someone else, it's never your fault anyways...

~ JB

Monday, October 3, 2011

Horror Movie Blazing Review.

The answer was guessed right by Mycaelus. It was Shaun of the Dead. A comedy drama. Some people don't call it a horror movie but it technically is.

The movie is based around two friends named Shaun and Ed and their lazy like life around the time of a zombie outbreak. The story also explores Shaun's relationship between himself and his girlfriend as well as himself and his mom and step-dad.

It's all about surviving, friendships, teamwork and fun. If your looking for a good zombie movie with lots of laughs check this out. Unless you're the small bunch who doesn't like this type of British humour.

I give this movie 7 flames out of 10.
The more flames the hotter it is.

Sorry I was a little late posting this up. My birthday weekend got too busy. And lazy. I'll be doing a partial game review wither today or tomorrow. The game in question, Dead Island.

Second part of Fruit Ninja Kinect is

Mycaelus ~ 10pts

Random Question time:
What do you do with test icicles???     (I have two possible answers to this. One will get you more points then the other but I will reward points for both answers.) Points to be rewarded 3pts & 5pts.

Just remember, if zombies do attack, I'm tripping your ass.

~ JB

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Horror Movie Quote Question 1

For 10 points; What movie was this fun.

Guy 1 "Oh my God, she's so drunk."
Guy 2 "How much you have love?"
Guy 2 "I think she likes you"
Guy 1 "Shut up"
Guy 2 "I think she wants to cuddle."

If no one gets this by 10pm tonight I'll post the names of the people in the movie.

Email or comment the answer. First one to get it right gets the points.

First part of Fruit Ninja Kinect is

~ JB

Birthday entry #1

I woke up this morning around 0630 after going to bed at 0200. Wasn't tired and ready to face the world. As soon as I got up, my daughter gave me a present she bought me with her own money. It was wrapped in two pictures she had drawn for me. It was a pack of sour straw candies.

I went to meet my buddy Brad who's birthday is on the 5th and then go play paintball. Right now I'm waiting for the HD cam to be charged to finish off whatever time they owe me. Damn thing keeps dying on me. Got a couple nice marks on me too. lol

Well, another round is starting in a minute. I'll post again later.

~ JB