Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Horror Movie Blazing Review: See No Evil

Well, its the first of November and my Horror Movie Quote Contest is at an end. Will I do more movie reviews? Probably. When? Don't know. Whenever I feel like it. I actually had fun doing these. Watched a few movies that I wanted to see but never got around to it. And I seen movies I never knew existed.

Well, here is the movie review.

See No Evil...at first when I started to watch it and I seen the WWE logo my first thought was, `If WWE has any say in producing the movie, its going to suck hard....and not in a good way.`

The movie starts off with 2 police officers checking out a house with loud church like music playing and the occasional scream from a female. The enter the house and find a women who looks terrified sitting alone in a room. When they approach her, they see that her eyes have been pulled out. The killer appears as his ax slams down on one of the officers. The other officer shots toward the killer as the killer swings down toward him and chops off his arm. And the killer gets away.

The movie centers around a group of adolescent prisoners on a weekend pass to help clean a hotel so they can get time off of their sentences. Everything seems normal. Scary old hotel that's being redone to be a historical place. They are shown around the place by the one officer who was in the opening scene and a women. They were given rules of where not to go and what they are not allowed to do.

After they finish doing their first night of cleaning, 2 guys wonder off to look for a hidden safe that was said to be left in the hotel years ago when it caught fire. Two other girls end up staying in their rooms to relax and the other four, two guys and two girls head off to the top floors, where they are not suppose to go, so they can have a little `fun`. This is when the story starts ramping up.

One by one the adolescents are captured one by one. All being killed except for one. The reason she didn't get killed or had her eyes torn out was because she had religious tattoo's on her that made the killer (Kane) not want to harm her. Every person Kane killed, he tore out their eyes. (I cannot remember the killers name in the movie so I'm just calling him by his WWE name. I could look it up but I don't want to. Lazy and stuff.)

Throughout the movie, you see flash backs of Kane as an adolescent locked in a dog cage and his mother yelling at him with religious things and about seeing the evil in people. At one flash back younger Kane brought home a girl. He was sitting in a corner, and the girl was tied to the bed. Most likely by his mother. Again she was saying religious stuff and telling him to see the evil or something inside her. She then pulls the women's eye out to show her son and said something along the lines of him looking to see the evil in her in her detached eye. This lead to Kane pulling out everyone's eyes he has killed.

In the end, you find out that the women who wanted to have the hotel restored was actually Kane's mother who tricked the police officer and the prisoners to come there so she can get revenge on the officer. The prisoners were just bonuses. At the end, Kane get angry with his mother and tosses her onto a spike on the wall and killing her, ending her verbal abuse to her son...but the damage has already been done long ago.

I'm not gonna let anyone know who all makes it out of the building alive, or even if any do. I gave enough info on the movie that will either have you want to watch it or have you think that its not worth your time. I personally was impressed with the overall acting in it. Kane did an excellent job doing his part and same with the younger actors. The odd time you did see some amateur acting in it but that's just from inexperienced actors.

I give this movie a solid 7 flames outta 10. I would have gave it less but I was surprised with how the movie ended up even though it was a WWE movie.

And Congrats to Mycaelus for winning the Horror Movie Quote Contest with a commanding lead of 40 pts. 2nd place was Potatoehead89 with 13 pts and 3rd was shearsnshutters with 10 pts.
Thanks you all for participating and stay tuned for possible more contests in the future. Maybe post Christmas time. I will be contacting Mycaelus for details of prizes and so forth.

btw, the only unanswered questions I had was the amount of piercings I've had total if I kept them all in...and the total was 16.

Until next time. Goodbye, have fun, drink Pepsi.

~ JB