Thursday, October 27, 2011

This, That, & A Big Bag of Toenail Clippings.

I can't wait until things slow down a little in my life. Haven't really had time to do most of my online surfing to find interesting stuff to write about. Not like I had interesting stuff written on here before but I can dream of a well organized blog lol.

Why has my life been more busy....well, work for one. Duh. Its just been crazy busy and because I do most of my work on a computer, when I get home, I don't really want to jump online. I tend to stay away from it, unless I need to fix it again. How do I know if it needs fixing? Normally its my sister who tells me that something isn't working. She could ask her hubby but everyone in my family always asks me. Oh the life of the family geek. I should start charging At least my mom tells me that she'll cook me dinner before coming out right and asking me to fix her computer. Now that I think of it, I think she needs me to go clean up her computer to make it run faster. No thanks to my Dad and his constant trips to various porn sites. Thanks Dad.

I've been meaning to do a review of RAGE since I beat it 10 days after it came out. lol. I am currently playing it on Nightmare with the strategy get the last achievements. This is the first game I actually bought the guide to. I have used the one for Morrowind and FF7. I used the one in FF7 for my 2nd play through and I used the guide for Morrowind only after I beat all the main quests. Used it to get all those side ones. Well, all of the ones I did before I stopped playing thanks to

Since I'm talking about The Elder Scrolls series, who's getting Skyrim when it gets out? You better believe I am. I'm throwing in the extra money to get the dragon statue. I can't say no to that. My life will be on hold for the next week when I get that. Skyrim on the 11th, then Halo: CEA on the 15th. I might throw out more money and get the next Assassin's Creed game that also comes out on the 15th. And then coming out on the 20th, Zelda. 3-4 games within 10 days....Just hook me up to an IV, give me a chair with a toilet in it and a mini fridge stocked up with beer and food, oh ya, and a microwave and I'll be set. The dream of a gamer lol.

I'm kinda in shock now that I think of how many XBox 360 titles I have bought in the past 13 months since I got my first XBox 360. (On to my 2nd one since my first one was used and started to die.) I must have spent easily $1000-1500 in the past 13 months. I wouldn't be too shocked if it was closer to $2000. (Counting the purchase of the XBox 360s 250Gb for $300+)

Just so I can keep you readers interested, I will start working on a review of RAGE over the next week. Hopefully I'll have it up by Thursday or Friday of next week. Then I'll start doing a review of Dead Island, if I have it beat by then. Most of you playing is have probably already beat it but I actually have a life outside of games so you will have to wait for it.

In other news, we are down to the last movie quote question that will be posted tomorrow. So stay tuned.
And btw, I will not be showing who is in what place for points. I'm now keeping that a secret...muahahahahhaaaaa!!!!!!

Random question time for 5 points.
Whats greater then God, more evil then Satan, rich people want it, poor people have it, and if you eat it, it will kill you....?

 for an additional 5 points.
If I kept all my piercings I've ever got in, how many total would I have?

Life isn't too short, its just when you're dead, you're dead for so fuckin' long....

~ JB


  1. Correct on the first question.
    For the 2nd question. You guessed wrong. Try again lol.

  2. I'm definitely looking forward to Skyrim. It's one of the few games I'll actually buy full price. =P

    As for your piercing question... 12?

  3. Closer but still not there. lol
    12 is what I currently have in.
