Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Today is a Great Day

We all go through times in our lives where we want to change things. Some go on diets, some change their appearance, some change friends and some, like what I'm doing, join a gym. I'm not doing it cause I'm fat, and need to loose weight, I joined to help get more energy in my life and get more active then I have been in the past couple years.

Today is the day, I'm starting my gym membership. Got my fitness assessment to see what I need to work on to reach my goal. Well, I have two goals. One, get more defined and build up a little muscle. Not too much, just enough to have more shape. My second goal, to work out 2-3 days a week for a year. The first goal will be easy, the second will be all about motivation. I just hope my legs that are a little sore from playing paintball doesn't effect my fitness assessment.

Other then me starting my gym membership, a couple other things have helped me get into a great mood.

Apple is announcing their new iPhone 4S and iSO5. So far from reading what I can from a live blog, I like what I see. I was a little nervous if they were releasing the iPhone 4S or going to the iPhone 5. I would rather them do the 4S. The 5 would probably have a bunch new problems they would have to fix before I would get that. So I was really happy they are doing a 4S. Looks like I'll be getting a new iPhone sometime soon. lol

Another awesome thing today is that Rage is out. I can't wait until work is over, and I'm done at the gym so I can go home and start gaming. I already redeemed my codes I got from the pre-order. Just gotta go home and let them download. These next 3-4 hours are gonna be long as hell....lol

Well, here is part 3 of the Fruit Ninja Kinect

Oh and so far, no one has given me an answer to my random question yesterday. Its not hard, Google the damn thing. If I don't get an answer tomorrow, no one will get points.

Todays random question for 5 pts.
What goes up but never comes down?
There could be more then one correct answer. Common people, get at it.

If at first you don't succeed, blame someone else, it's never your fault anyways...

~ JB


  1. got two answers... age and the 40 year old virgin on viagra

  2. Correct. And for making me laugh about the Viagra, you get an additional 3pts.
    That's 8pts total.
